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Why Is That?: Contradictions Of Life.

Why Is That?: Contradictions Of Life

ISBN: 9798765518779 | 136 pages | 4 Mb
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  • Why Is That?: Contradictions Of Life
  • Page: 136
  • Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
  • ISBN: 9798765518779
  • Publisher: Barnes & Noble Press
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Why Is That? outlines a strange perspective of reflections in a dairy form, of an individual after growing closer to the source of creation. The project peaks at the creative wonder of someone questioning the times, trials, and tribulations while undergoing a short journey of incarceration and rehab. Testimonies of the battles, questioning the misfortunes of ones own life, with a heavy sense of growing mentally, physically, as well as spiritually as an individual - regardless of circumstances. This book touches on subjects varying from everyday mundane life, to the deepest parts of ones own spirituality. It shows glimpses of a basic being, while also getting a peek into a mans mind of great mysticism. "Why is that?" ends in a conclusion that we are all human beings, and regardless of the differences - in a walk of faith life can be so much easier than we make it. "In the appeal of life, not everyone is as fortunate as some... while sharing the jewels of life from one person to another, with a possibility that we help one other in the fleeing from the prison of the mind. The heart must align in what the mind knows, undergoing an evolution of our own understanding to allow ourselves a heart change. Re learning life as we have never experienced it before, we then get to experience interaction with life in a whole new perspective."

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